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Compare Mode


In compare mode, the viewer's UI adjusts to display only the tools and information relevant to the comparison activity, hiding any redundant tools. The header and compare tile are described in the "Top Navigation" section, while details on the compare toolbar are found in the "Toolbar (Compare)" subchapter. Below are the unique elements specific to compare mode:

1. Edit Comparison Menu / Save Comparison Menu

  • Edit Comparison Menu:
    • Allows users to change the order of the files and adjust colors.

    • Provides access to the Align menu for initiating comparison alignment.

  • Save Comparison Menu:
    • When markups are added, the button changes to Save Comparison, enabling users to:
      • Save the comparison
      • Export the files
      • Perform both actions

2. Revision Cloud (Annotate Toolbar)

  • This toolbar resembles the one used in annotation mode but offers only the Revision Cloud tool.
  • Detailed information about the revision cloud's items and interactions is available in the "Annotate Toolbar" section.

3. Tutorial

  • Tutorial Icon:
    • Toggles the display of a tutorial modal that guides users on using the Align tool.

Comparison Generation

The comparison is generated by sending a CommandJSON command to the Rasterex API. The WebClientPublish method is used to present the comparison drawing once it is ready.