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Controlling the UI

Setting the UI using PostMessage "guiConfig". In this example we turn off the file open UI controls, the Print menu and export option.

//id of iframe = rxview
const rxviewer = document.getElementById("rxview").contentWindow;

//pass an object of GUI configuration settings here.
type: "guiConfig",
payload: {
canFileOpen: false,
canSaveFile: true,
canGetFileInfo: true,
canPrint: false,
canExport: false,
canAnnotate: true,
canCompare: true,
canSignature: true,
canConsolidate: true,
}, "*");

Controlling the UI in an Iframe

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Rasterex Viewer</title>
<!-- <base href="./"> -->
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

<script type="text/javascript" src="../assets/scripts/jquery-2.1.0.min.js"></script>

margin: 0; /* Remove default margin */
display: block; /* iframes are inline by default */
height: 100vh; /* Set height to 100% of the viewport height */
width: 100vw; /* Set width to 100% of the viewport width */
border: none; /* Remove default border */
background: lightyellow; /* Just for styling */

<iframe src="index.html" id="rxview"></iframe>


const rxviewer = document.getElementById("rxview").contentWindow;


$("#rxview").on("load", function() {

type: "guiConfig",
payload: {
canFileOpen: false,
canSaveFile: true,
canGetFileInfo: true,
canPrint: false,
canExport: false,
canAnnotate: true,
canCompare: true,
canSignature: true,
canConsolidate: true,
}, "*");



The IGuiConfig interface

You can pass any of the values listed below in the object sent using the guiConfig postMessage.

export interface IGuiConfig {
canAnnotate?: boolean;
canConsolidate?: boolean;
canSignature?: boolean;
disableImages?: boolean;
disableSymbol?: boolean;
disableLinks?: boolean;
disableSignature?: boolean;
canFileOpen?: boolean;
canCompare?: boolean;
canPrint?: boolean;
canExport?: boolean;
canSaveFile?: boolean;
canGetFileInfo?: boolean;
disableSideNavMenu?: boolean;
disableTopNavMenu?: boolean;
disableBurgerMenuCompare?: boolean;
disableViewPages?: boolean;
disableViewAnnotations?: boolean;
disableViewUserLayers?: boolean;
disableViewVectorLayers?: boolean;
disableView3DParts?: boolean;
disableMarkupTextButton?: boolean;
disableMarkupCalloutButton?: boolean;
disableMarkupStampButton?: boolean;
disableMarkupPaintButton?: boolean;
disableMarkupShapeButton?: boolean;
disableMarkupShapeRectangleButton?: boolean;
disableMarkupShapeEllipseButton?: boolean;
disableMarkupShapeRoundedRectangleButton?: boolean;
disableMarkupShapePolygonButton?: boolean;
disableMarkupShapeCloudButton?: boolean;
disableMarkupArrowButton?: boolean;
disableMarkupMeasureButton?: boolean;
disableMarkupCountButton?: boolean;
disableMarkupEraseButton?: boolean;
disableMarkupNoteButton?: boolean;
disableMarkupLockButton?: boolean;
disableMarkupUndoRedoButtons?: boolean;
disableBottomToolbar?: boolean;
disableBirdEyeButton?: boolean;
disableReset3DModelButton?: boolean;
disable3DSelectButton?: boolean;
disable3DSelectMarkupButton?: boolean;
disableWalkthroughButton?: boolean;
disableHide3DPartsButton?: boolean;
disableExplode3DModelButton?: boolean;
disableTransparency3DModelButton?: boolean;
disableClipping3DModelButton?: boolean;
disableCreateViewButton?: boolean;
disableMagnifyingGlassButton?: boolean;
disableZoomInButton?: boolean;
disableZoomOutButton?: boolean;
disableFitToWindowButton?: boolean;
disableFitWidthButton?: boolean;
disableFitHeightButton?: boolean;
disableZoomInAreaButton?: boolean;
disableRotateButton?: boolean;
disableHideMarkupsButton?: boolean;
disableSelectTextButton?: boolean;
disableSearchTextButton?: boolean;
disableSearchAttributesButton?: boolean;
disableBackgroundColorButton?: boolean;
disableMonochromeButton?: boolean;
enableGrayscaleButton?: boolean;
/* */
logoUrl?: string;

Static file


The UIConfig.js file provides a static configuration for the Viewer, enabling customization of its UI and functionality. The parameters, that allow to customize the UI of the viewer are as listed below.

For the ease of the branding in case the need of setting up a customer-tailored version the logo and color palette.

var UIConfig = (function() {

let ConfigJSON = {
"UIConfig" : {

"canFileOpen": true,
"canSaveFile": true,
"canGetFileInfo": true,
"canPrint": true,
"canExport": true,
"canAnnotate": true,
"canCompare": true,
"canSignature": true,
"canConsolidate": true,
"convertPDFAnnots" : false,
"canLogin" : false,
"logoUrl": "/assets/images/logo.svg"

"UIStyles" : [

{ "name": "accent", "value": "#31BD59" },
{ "name": "accent-secondary", "value": "#F0F7F9" },
{ "name": "main", "value": "#333C4E" },
{ "name": "secondary", "value": "#A4ABAE" },
{ "name": "light-secondary", "value": "#EDF1F2" },
{ "name": "background", "value": "#D6DADC" },
{ "name": "background-light", "value": "#F0F7F9" },
{ "name": "side-nav-background", "value": "#F0F7F9" },
{ "name": "side-nav-background-active", "value": "#FFFFFF" },
{ "name": "background-secondary", "value": "#F5F5F5" },
{ "name": "side-nav-color", "value": "#A6ADB0" },
{ "name": "side-nav-color-active", "value": "#31BD59" },
{ "name": "side-nav-panel-background", "value": "#FFFFFF" },
{ "name": "top-nav-background", "value": "#FFFFFF" },
{ "name": "top-nav-color", "value": "#333C4E" },
{ "name": "top-nav-background-active", "value": "#F0F7F9" },
{ "name": "top-nav-color-active", "value": "#333C4E" },
{ "name": "top-nav-border-bottom-color-active", "value": "transparent" },
{ "name": "toolbar-background", "value": "#FFFFFF" },
{ "name": "toolbar-color", "value": "#333C4E" },
{ "name": "toolbar-background-active", "value": "#31BD59" },
{ "name": "logo-height", "value": "auto" }

return {

ConfigJSON : ConfigJSON



Logo Configuration

The image used as a logo that is presented in the viewer (e.g. in the header of the viewspace) can be set with the help of the below parameter.

"logoUrl": "/assets/images/logo.svg"

Color Palette

The color palette is defined with the help of the values listed below.

  • { "name": "accent", "value": "#31BD59" }
    A vibrant shade used to highlight important elements or actions within the interface.

  • { "name": "background", "value": "#D6DADC" }
    The primary color for the background of the interface, providing a neutral base for content.

  • { "name": "background-light", "value": "#F0F7F9" }
    A lighter shade of background color used for contrast or separation within the interface.

  • { "name": "side-nav-background", "value": "#F0F7F9" }
    The background color for the side navigation panel, providing visual distinction from other areas of the interface.

  • { "name": "side-nav-background-active", "value": "#FFFFFF" }
    The background color for the active or selected item in the side navigation panel.

  • { "name": "side-nav-color", "value": "#A6ADB0" }
    The color of text and icons within the side navigation panel.

  • { "name": "side-nav-color-active", "value": "#31BD59" }
    The color of text and icons for the active or selected item in the side navigation panel.

  • { "name": "top-nav-background", "value": "#FFFFFF" },
    The background color for the top navigation bar, providing a clean and unobtrusive header for the interface.

  • { "name": "top-nav-color", "value": "#333C4E" }
    The color of text or icons within the top navigation bar.

  • { "name": "toolbar-background", "value": "#FFFFFF" }
    The background color for toolbar elements, such as buttons or input fields.

  • { "name": "toolbar-color", "value": "#333C4E" }
    The color of text and icons within toolbar elements.

  • { "name": "main", "value": "#333C4E" }
    The primary color for main content areas, providing consistency and coherence throughout the interface. Used for action menus, file upload fonts, etc.

  • { "name": "light-secondary", "value": "#EDF1F2" }
    A secondary light shade for additional contrast or separation within the interface.

  • { "name": "secondary", "value": "#A4ABAE" }
    A secondary color used for less prominent elements or accents within the interface.

  • { "name": "accent-secondary", "value": "#F0F7F9" }
    A secondary accent color used to complement the primary accent color in certain interface elements.

These descriptions provide a better understanding of how each color is utilized within the graphical user interface (GUI) to maintain consistency and convey visual hierarchy.