This connection object lists parts in a 3D file. It is triggered when the user interacts with the 3D model using the 3D select method or opens a 3D file with parts.
Additional Methods
- getHeight(): Returns canvas height. Can be used to set the height of an HTML GUI container.
- setlistHeight(height): Sets the height of each list element.
- listheight: Number; height of a list element.
- isupdate: Boolean; true if a part is selected.
- scrollto: Number; A list position value can be used with
to change the list position.
Callback Parameters
- Parts: Array of
with the following properties:Block3DObject {
name: string; // Name of part
index: number; // Part index
state: Boolean; // Display on/off
level: number; // List level
position: number; // Position in the GUI display element in pixels.
selected: Boolean; // Selected on/off.